What do you need to know about LED street lighting? Check it out!
LED street lighting is an increasingly common measure in cities. The benefits provided to the public administration and the population have driven incentive policies for the gradual change of lamps throughout the country.
Ordinance No. 20 of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) established production and quality criteria for manufacturers of these LED luminaires. This is another guarantee of the quality proposed by this type of lighting, compared to models used in the past.
To understand more about the advantages provided by LED street lighting, keep reading!
Evaluate the benefits of LED street lighting for city management
LED is a type of technology constantly advancing in lighting. This model has competitive differentials compared to those used by the public sector on roads and highways. See below the main advantages of LED street lighting in city management!
Reduced energy consumption
This technology can deliver, for example, more color quality and much more luminous flux – even at much lower power. This means that the energy consumption to produce the same amount of light is lower compared to traditional high-pressure discharge models.
In this sense, LED provides cost savings for city management. After all, municipalities also need to bear expenses for energy consumption and tariffs. That is, just as a consumer needs to pay their electricity bill, the City Hall also has this fixed monthly expense.
Excellent color reproduction index
Sodium vapor lamps – those with yellowish tones – and mercury lamps have lower color reproduction indices. This means that they impact and modify the distinction of tones. A white vehicle, for example, gains cream tones due to the type of radiation from these models.
LED technology, on the other hand, guarantees a better and higher color reproduction index. Thus, a light-colored vehicle is not affected by the radiation of light. In public roads, this perception of colors is essential to ensure the safety of drivers.
The only lamps that have a reproduction index and light quality similar to LED technology are metal vapor lamps. They are present in toll plazas and football stadiums – since television transmission requires high color accuracy. Metal vapor lamps, however, generate very high expenses.
Best cost-benefit in the market
For cities, the ideal is to adopt the gradual exchange of lamps. When changing the lighting pattern of a certain road, the tendency is for this to be done with LED technology. This way, the change happens progressively, without causing a great impact on costs.
It is also important that public management sees LED technology as an investment. Initially, the expense to acquire an LED luminaire is higher than that made to buy mercury vapor ones, for example. However, the price difference will be offset during months of use.
The LED luminaire also offers another benefit for cities: the useful life time. Normally, luminaires of this technology require less maintenance compared to old models.
The life span of an LED luminaire is over 100,000 hours, tending to deliver higher quality photoluminotechnical distribution. This means providing lighting in the points that really matter.
Analyze the benefits of LED public lighting for the population
The great advantage offered by LED technology to the population is in the safety aspect. By being able to distribute light better, dark spots on public roads, squares and highways are reduced. Below are the main benefits that devices containing light-emitting diodes offer citizens!
Less maintenance costs
Mercury and sodium vapor lamps have less durability than LED lamps. Therefore, it is common to find roads with poles whose lamps are burned out. This maintenance is prolonged and difficult due to the bidding deadlines necessary for public administration.
Reduction of Crime
Maintaining luminaires that remain with their lasting photoluminescence quality allows for well-lit streets for a longer time, which cannot be compared to the way street lighting was done in the past. This benefit has an impact on reducing crime, tending to deter robberies and other forms of violence.
Prevention against accidents and incidents
Another advantage for the population is on the roads. With LED luminaires, the driver’s field of vision is benefited, expanding the perception of colors, signaling, and vehicles around. This is essential for safer driving and to prevent accidents on the road.
LED lighting in squares is also essential to reduce points of violence. The benefit can even extend to the reduction in the need for patrols in some regions since it is easier to be surprised by a stranger hidden in the dark, for example.
Understand what to consider when choosing a supplier
To obtain all the advantages provided by LED luminaires, it is essential to have a quality supplier. Therefore, the public administration cannot fail to make a deep analysis and study of the potential of the company that will provide the street lighting service.
In the past, the quality of the luminaires depended on the needs and determinations stipulated by the bids. Currently, there are different mandatory certifications for this.
INMETRO, in partnership with different Brazilian laboratories, has built a program focused on the numerous varieties that public luminaires for roads need to have. All rules and requirements were stipulated by a solid user protection program, which is much safer than the determinations of a simple bid, for example.
The supplier must be adequate with the public lighting product, meeting the requirements of Portaria 20 of INMETRO, bringing all the tests guaranteed in each requested characteristic, which are:
- LM80 report:
- guaranteeing the durability of L70 life and color temperature, according to IESNA LM-79-08;
- LM79 report: guaranteeing the real efficacy of the product, photometric curve, power factor, and harmonic distortion (THD) according to IES LM-79-08, NBR 5101/2012, and IEC 61000-3-2:2014;
- Wind resistance test, according to ABNT NBR 15129:2012;
- Resistance to ultraviolet radiation test, according to ASTM G154;
- Mechanical impact resistance test, according to ABNT NBR IEC 62262:2015;
- Vibration resistance test, according to ABNT NBR IEC 60598-1:2010;
- Degree of protection test, according to ABNT NBR IEC 60529:2017, among other tests and certifications.
LED street lighting is a way to guarantee quality and protection for the population. The public administration obtains immediate savings – due to greater durability and a reduction in the electricity bill – but also perceives positive impacts on public security and patrols.
Discover the importance of considering the layout of public roads for lighting
LED technology is present in the most varied spaces in our country and is already part of public areas. Luminaires and specific reflectors for this segment increase security, influence sustainability, and guarantee the economy of public resources, regardless of the width of the roads.
For this reason, these devices have already been installed in most Brazilian municipalities. The financial impact is positive, considering the low maintenance investments and the reduction in the electricity bill.
The layout of the roads interferes with the equipment that will be used to provide adequate lighting. LED luminaires and reflectors have different powers and need to be installed at the right height to produce ideal brightness.
You can’t compare the streets of a small town with the avenues of the capitals. That’s why specialized professionals evaluate and determine which devices will work and generate results based on the road structures.
Learn how to distribute lighting in public areas
To ensure public safety, economy, and sustainability, it is necessary to know how to distribute lighting efficiently. Projects must be organized strategically to meet the objectives of the facilities.
Use LED technology in public projects to get enhanced light distribution and illuminate the traffic routes more effectively. Conduct a survey with the public in the area to identify which places cause fear due to inefficient lighting.
Invest in these spaces to increase community protection and satisfaction, which is the biggest stakeholder in lighting. In other words, seek to light strategic locations identified by users.
Understand where to start changing traditional lighting to LED
The first step is to map out the layout of the roads that will be lit with LED. Go through all areas of the city, public buildings, monuments, squares, roads in rural and urban areas. This way, you will discover where posts are needed and how wiring will pass.
Furthermore, you will be able to identify how to connect with energy distribution networks. Define the ideal photometric parameters for each location in your municipality. After analyzing the main points, evaluate the possibility of lighting sidewalks, verandas, deck areas, gardens, and landscapes.
After mapping, consult ABNT NBR nº 5101: 2018 Regulatory Standard to define the lighting characteristics of the project. Establish illuminance levels as per legal recommendations and calculate uniformity factors. Don’t forget to distinguish the needs in fast traffic routes from leisure squares and other differentiated spaces.
Create a specific plan based on the topology of lighting distribution that meets all situations. Do not lose sight of the characteristics of the locations and the costs of equipment and labor. Consider using opposite or alternate bilateral arrangements, among others. Current LED devices fit perfectly in all locations.
Discover which models are most suitable for public lighting
Economy depends on choosing the right items for each environment. Invest in quality materials and LED technology that is sold by reliable companies.
Good products determine the project’s success and eliminate maintenance costs. LED reflectors are excellent, durable, economical, and resistant to time wear. Check out some models:
- Fortika street luminaire (powers 30W, 53W, 70W, 100W, 150W, 180W, 200W, 250W);
- Plus street luminaire (powers 20W, 30W, 50W, 70W, 100W, 120W, 150W);
- High Bay LED flood light (powers 49W, 95W, 145W, 185W and 238W);
- Modular High Bay LED Industrial Floodlight (powers 55W, 100W, 150W, 200W, 250W, 330W, 400W, 500W, 660W, 750W and 990W);
Select the LED luminaires and floodlights that meet the planning requirements. These devices have cutting-edge technology and are gaining space in public lighting projects.
They emit directed light beams and do not release pollutants into the atmosphere. For this reason, they are viable alternatives for all regions.
Check out the relationship of LED public lighting with the concept of sustainability
As you can see, LED devices bring numerous benefits to the public administration and also to users. When compared to conventional luminaires, current technologies are very beneficial to the environment. Traditional lamps emit gases that pollute oxygen and degrade nature.
LED lamps do not cause damage to the ecosystem because they are made up of light-emitting diodes. They do not emit ultraviolet radiation and are not composed of mercury. The number of devices sent for disposal is very small, as they have a lifespan of up to 10 years and, in some cases, come with a five-year warranty.
Today, you can count on technologies that are promoting a great advance in the public lighting segment and meeting the real needs of managers. The alternatives go far beyond saving financial and energy resources and have surpassed conventional systems in every way.
The lighting of public spaces also adds beauty, making places more attractive. Thinking about quality for LED street lighting, SX Lighting is a company that understands the importance of all tests to ensure the safety of its customers’ investment.
Therefore, it applies all of them in its product lines. Specialized professionals develop lighting projects to choose the best items for each client.
Now, you already know what you need to know about LED public lighting and can check market prices. If you are looking for quality and high-tech service for your city, seek to partner with a reliable supplier with experience in this segment. After all, they will be part of an important change in public structures!
Now that you are convinced that SX Lighting will provide you with the best lighting, click here and request assistance from our specialists.