LED industrial lighting: discover why it is the best choice!
Lighting in idustrial areas can be challenging by the complexity and variety of their everyday operations. Specialized professionals make many calculations and consider many aspects during the elaboration of lighting projects for each sector.
With LED devices, copmanies reduce energy consumption drastically. The LED industrial luminaire has light emitting diodes and brings countless benefits to society.
So, if you are willing to learn about these advantages and understand the importance of developing an appropriate lighting project, read this article to the end. Details about energy savings, lower maintenance costs, asset valuation, sustainability, compliance with standards, among others, are available throughout this content.
Would you like to know more about the industrial LED luminaire? Follow the reading!
Understand the Advance of LED Technology in Brazil
According to the Workshop The Advance of LED Technology in Brazil, during the year 2020, the use of LED devices will generate savings of over US$4 trillion worldwide. The United States of America, until the year 2027, intends to save more than US$30 billion, according to current prices paid in the country.
LED technology is being used in virtually every sector in Brazil, including public, industrial, and residential lighting, among others. It is expected that, in our country, every five million points replaced in the coming years will result in a savings of 3.7 TW (Terawatt), resulting in a total of R$1 billion in saved resources.
Learn about the main benefits provided by LED
LED devices are gaining space in lighting applications. The equipment is related to industrial automation and provides resource savings intelligently.
They work in conjunction with telegestion systems and security cameras. See below for the advantages provided by light-emitting diodes.
Energy savings
LED luminaires and reflectors generate 70% to 95% electricity savings when compared to conventional or incandescent bulbs. The efficiency of this technology also interferes in reducing heat emissions and generates less expenses with air conditioning or ventilation systems than others.
Lighting design also assists in the direction and uniformity of light.
Lower maintenance costs
LED lighting has a higher cost during the acquisition and installation of systems. However, the devices have a prolonged lifespan of up to ten years, according to the manufacturer, and come with a five-year warranty.
Therefore, their durability is much higher, considering that other bulbs last a maximum of two years. Thus, the price compensates, since the expenses with replacements and maintenance are considerably reduced.
LED is much superior to other types of industrial lighting, more robust, advantageous, and resistant to the presence of rain, cold, heat, electrical oscillations, mechanical impacts, soot, and dust. The components’ performance is excellent and the visibility is adequate.
Asset valuation
The LED lighting network requires lower current and voltage levels than traditional networks. Thus, the technology allows for data communication and the use of Wi-Fi where transmission signals are weak.
Lighting projects can include sensors, surge protectors, drivers, security cameras, telemanagement systems, and much more! Light control is more efficient and the transmission of information facilitates automation, providing flexibility to data communication structures.
LED reflectors and luminaires have an IP66 Protection Index, are manufactured and certified according to legal requirements. This set of technologies adds value to the company’s assets and becomes a competitive advantage.
The sustainability theme is becoming increasingly relevant worldwide every day. Items made with light emitting diodes (LEDs) do not pollute the environment like conventional light bulbs, which can be composed of gases. They do not contain contaminants or pollutants and contribute to the elimination of a huge amount of waste.
The industrial LED luminaire does not emit harmful elements into the atmosphere and offers high efficiency to companies. Quality luminosity, low maintenance, durability, resistance and energy savings are just some of the benefits that influence productivity and cost reduction for companies.
Compliance with standards
LED technologies comply with Occupational Safety standards. For example, Regulatory Standard NR 17, which sets rules on ergonomics and visual comfort for workers. They are also installed and comply with the requirements of NBR ISO/CIE 8995-1:201, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).
Lighting projects are planned and executed in accordance with Occupational Hygiene Standard (NHO) No. 11, which imposes criteria, parameters and procedures for evaluating the illumination levels of work environments. Finally, the devices comply with Ordinance No. 20/2017, from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro).
Technical studies indicate what should be done to maintain employee well-being, increase production and meet the quality standards required by public authorities. Lighting is measured in lux, that is, by the amount of luminosity per square meter.
According to ABNT, warehouses need to have illuminance of 100 lux and rough service areas, 200 to 300 lux. Areas designated for complex tasks requiring attention to detail should have 500 or 1,000 lux, depending on the case. Industries that comply with standards obtain the ISO certificate, demonstrating the quality of their environments.
Better TCO
Lighting projects are developed in conjunction with energy savings calculations and amortization period costs to determine when investments will yield effective returns. You can use an LED luminaire energy savings calculator to quickly find the best TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) results when using LED technology.
As you can see, industrial LED luminaires are the best option for your company and a lighting project generates a significant reduction in electricity bills! Pay attention to the development of the lighting project in your industry to ensure efficient execution and promote all the benefits mentioned in this content.
You can modify external and internal lighting systems using state-of-the-art devices! Did you like this post? Then, contact us now and ask your questions!